By Mohamad Ali
Sleep is a cyclical restorative process which allows the body to replenish its immune system, and plays a crucial role in our health and well-being. The decreased ability to react to stimuli distinguishes sleep from quiet wakefulness, while its reversibility distinguishes sleep from coma.
Sleep is an active period when the body rejuvenates and regenerates. Poor-quality sleep and not enough sleep cut down that process and we develop a sleep debt that we never get back. If unaddressed, sleep disorders can also generate their own health complications. Sleep is something our bodies need to do and we have no other way out of the situation. It provides essential nourishment for both body and mind.
During sleep, people experience repeated cycles of rapid eye movement (REM) and non REM sleep, beginning with an NREM phase. REM sleep which tends to last for about 30 minutes occurs five to seven times a night. If you are deprived of REM sleep, you will feel restless and at times depressed.
The effects of sleep have far reaching consequences on your health. Both excessive and insufficient sleep have been associated with early death. The amount of sleep that corresponds with the longest lifespan is between five and nine hours a night. Seven hours sleep is linked with the lowest death rate. During sleep, somatotrophin is produced. This hormone helps with the repair and replacement of bone and tissue. Normally, when you sleep the level of the stress hormone, cortisol is low. However, when stressed, cortisol will suppress growth hormone. This will further hinder tissue repair and speed up the aging process.
Insomnia is a very common occurrence in human. If you have difficulty in sleeping at night, it is worth to note the following points:
1. Poor nutrition has an effect on sleep. Calcium and magnesium have a tranquillizing effect on the body. So does pyridoxine.
2. Tryptophan , found in dairy products and turkey, acts as a natural sleep inducer. That is why a warm glass of milk is sometimes recommended before bed.
3. Do not go to bed on an empty or full stomach as both can interfere with sleep.
4. Stay away from nicotine, caffeine and alcohol 6 hours before you sleep.
5. Go to bed in a relaxed state of mind.
How to overcome low stomach acid
By Mohamad Ali
Stomach acid is required for the absorption of nutrients and the control of undesirable microorganisms and it becomes the body’s first line of defense against infections, effectively sterilizing your food. In addition, it is also required for the breakdown of protein in the stomach. However, its action on protein breakdown is only effected in the presence of pepsinogen where the two combines to form a very powerful enzyme called pepsin. Low stomach acid is called hypochlorhydria while its absence is referred to as achlorhydria. These two states have been associated with carcinoid tumours in the digestive tract. Half of the population above the age of 60 suffers from hypochlorhydria.
You must be concerned with low stomach acid because a lack of the acid will leave you unable to digest your food properly and this will also make you more vulnerable to infections. This condition leads to indigestion especially with high protein meals. Food allergies will arise because of the large amount of undigested protein molecules in the small intestine. The body cells such as in the pancreas need vitamins and minerals to produce enzymes to digest food. If there is indigestion, none of the nutrients will be available to feed the cells and thus these cells cannot produce the enzymes.
Symptoms of low stomach acid include burping, bad breath, flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and indigestion associated with protein rich foods. These undigested foods hang around in the small intestine, feeding the bacteria that live there. These bacteria produce gas and that is why there is bloating, digestive pain and flatulence.
In order to solve the problem, you need to do the following:
1. Take zinc supplement as zinc is critical to the proper functioning of body cells. The soil is heavily depleted of zinc. The production of stomach acid is dependent on the sufficient intake of zinc.
2. Avoid stress as this emotional state will suppress stomach acid.
3. A digestive enzyme supplement is required to assist in the digestion of food.
4. A daily dose of a multi vitamins and minerals tablet is required to assist in the production of enzymes.
5. Do not rush through your meals, and chew thoroughly.
Stomach acid is required for the absorption of nutrients and the control of undesirable microorganisms and it becomes the body’s first line of defense against infections, effectively sterilizing your food. In addition, it is also required for the breakdown of protein in the stomach. However, its action on protein breakdown is only effected in the presence of pepsinogen where the two combines to form a very powerful enzyme called pepsin. Low stomach acid is called hypochlorhydria while its absence is referred to as achlorhydria. These two states have been associated with carcinoid tumours in the digestive tract. Half of the population above the age of 60 suffers from hypochlorhydria.
You must be concerned with low stomach acid because a lack of the acid will leave you unable to digest your food properly and this will also make you more vulnerable to infections. This condition leads to indigestion especially with high protein meals. Food allergies will arise because of the large amount of undigested protein molecules in the small intestine. The body cells such as in the pancreas need vitamins and minerals to produce enzymes to digest food. If there is indigestion, none of the nutrients will be available to feed the cells and thus these cells cannot produce the enzymes.
Symptoms of low stomach acid include burping, bad breath, flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and indigestion associated with protein rich foods. These undigested foods hang around in the small intestine, feeding the bacteria that live there. These bacteria produce gas and that is why there is bloating, digestive pain and flatulence.
In order to solve the problem, you need to do the following:
1. Take zinc supplement as zinc is critical to the proper functioning of body cells. The soil is heavily depleted of zinc. The production of stomach acid is dependent on the sufficient intake of zinc.
2. Avoid stress as this emotional state will suppress stomach acid.
3. A digestive enzyme supplement is required to assist in the digestion of food.
4. A daily dose of a multi vitamins and minerals tablet is required to assist in the production of enzymes.
5. Do not rush through your meals, and chew thoroughly.
What is stress and how to overcome it
By Mohamad Ali
Stress is the failure of humans to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats, internally or externally generated. The threats, real or perceived, can be people, situations, events which the person accepts as the cause of the stress. When these threats overwhelm the person’s ability to cope, then the stress becomes harmful. Physical stress including injuries, sprain, strain and pain are stressful but there are physical causes for which we have the ability to control. A stressed person may lose appetite, has difficulty in sleeping, depressed and frustrated and may even indulge in unbecoming activities.
Stress starts in the mind. Once you identify a threat as a stress, the body will send a rapid signal to the adrenal glands to produce adrenalin and cortisols. Within seconds, adrenalin increases the heart rate, the blood pressure, and energy. Cortisol, meanwhile, causes an increase in blood glucose. You are placed in a state to fight or flight situation. This situation is assisted by glucose release from the muscles and the liver. The pancreas releases insulin and glycogen to regulate glucose. This is an emergency but an unnecessary situation.
The energy consumed for the stress episode is not entirely free energy. By deploying the hormones and glucose for stress combat, the body has to divert these from its main activity depot for repair and maintenance jobs. These jobs include digestion, cleansing and rejuvenation. So every time a person becomes stressful, the body organs get unduly excited and start pumping out hormones when you actually do not need them. Eventually, the body goes out of equilibrium, the muscles become tired and the organs wear out. Then your life will go downhill. This situation is akin to like that of a driver who leaves the car ignition on while he parks himself in a locked garage. The car burns fuel but the person does not go anywhere but in due time, the person will succumb to carbon monoxide poisoning.
You can overcome stress by living an active and healthy life. Surround yourself with positive people who will brighten up your life. Talk to them and when required, seek counseling. If it involves a problem with anybody, arrange to talk and together find ways to overcome the problem. Always occupy your mind with positive thoughts that can make you happy.
Go out to exercise in the park or at least walk for 15-20 minutes daily to maintain proper blood flow in your body. The green surroundings will positively affect your feelings and the exercise will greatly increase your stamina. Increase blood flow to the brain can be very helpful in releasing tension and stressful episodes. Exercise provides oxygen to the body tissues and dissipates the stress hormones, and relieves tension regardless of the cause of the stress. Eat a balance diet and always ensure you include supplements in your diet.
Stress is the failure of humans to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats, internally or externally generated. The threats, real or perceived, can be people, situations, events which the person accepts as the cause of the stress. When these threats overwhelm the person’s ability to cope, then the stress becomes harmful. Physical stress including injuries, sprain, strain and pain are stressful but there are physical causes for which we have the ability to control. A stressed person may lose appetite, has difficulty in sleeping, depressed and frustrated and may even indulge in unbecoming activities.
Stress starts in the mind. Once you identify a threat as a stress, the body will send a rapid signal to the adrenal glands to produce adrenalin and cortisols. Within seconds, adrenalin increases the heart rate, the blood pressure, and energy. Cortisol, meanwhile, causes an increase in blood glucose. You are placed in a state to fight or flight situation. This situation is assisted by glucose release from the muscles and the liver. The pancreas releases insulin and glycogen to regulate glucose. This is an emergency but an unnecessary situation.
The energy consumed for the stress episode is not entirely free energy. By deploying the hormones and glucose for stress combat, the body has to divert these from its main activity depot for repair and maintenance jobs. These jobs include digestion, cleansing and rejuvenation. So every time a person becomes stressful, the body organs get unduly excited and start pumping out hormones when you actually do not need them. Eventually, the body goes out of equilibrium, the muscles become tired and the organs wear out. Then your life will go downhill. This situation is akin to like that of a driver who leaves the car ignition on while he parks himself in a locked garage. The car burns fuel but the person does not go anywhere but in due time, the person will succumb to carbon monoxide poisoning.
You can overcome stress by living an active and healthy life. Surround yourself with positive people who will brighten up your life. Talk to them and when required, seek counseling. If it involves a problem with anybody, arrange to talk and together find ways to overcome the problem. Always occupy your mind with positive thoughts that can make you happy.
Go out to exercise in the park or at least walk for 15-20 minutes daily to maintain proper blood flow in your body. The green surroundings will positively affect your feelings and the exercise will greatly increase your stamina. Increase blood flow to the brain can be very helpful in releasing tension and stressful episodes. Exercise provides oxygen to the body tissues and dissipates the stress hormones, and relieves tension regardless of the cause of the stress. Eat a balance diet and always ensure you include supplements in your diet.
The positive influence of supplements on diabetes
By Mohamad Ali
A low carbohydrate diet cum avoidance of sugar can help to control the damaging effects of diabetes. However, there are many scientific studies pointing to the positive influence of supplements in combating diabetes and many vitamins have been found to assist in controlling the downward effects of diabetes.
A new study found the positive impact of Vitamin A 10,000 IU in helping to increase the metabolism of glucose . The vitamin allows the body to use insulin effectively in moving glucose from blood to the cells.
High blood glucose is known to cause tissue damage and the degree of this harm can be measured by the test for glycosylated haemoglobin. The use of pyridoxine has been found to reduce the cellular damage to the cells. The supplement has also been found to fight eye damage, vision loss as well as assisting in blood glucose metabolism. Better glucose control will definitely contribute to the protection of our vascular health.
People with diabetes are prone to blot clots due to high blood glucose content. Research on Vitamin E found that its use has an anti clotting action. Diabetic complications is greatly diminished by taking a daily supplement of Vitamin E. It also lowers insulin and this will go a long way to reduce the excessive insulin effect on the body.
The mineral zinc also stabilizes blood glucose. It helps the pancreas to produce insulin and also assist to protect the cell receptor sites that allow insulin to enter. This aside, there are natural remedies that you can use to regulate blood sugar.
Fish oil is good in diabetes because it protects the cardiovascular danger that triglycerides have on people with diabetes. Fish oil also increases the arterial flexibility to prevent plague buildup leading to the hardening of arteries.
Evening primrose oil which contains gamma linolenic acid ( GLA ) is a must in diabetes because it can halt the nerve damage caused by diabetes. GLA helps the nerve to heal. The problem is that people with diabetes cannot make GLA from dietary fats. Without GLA, they cannot manufacture prostaglandin E1 which is the body’s superstar for the protection against disorders including premature aging, heart disease, arthritis, asthma, and autoimmune diseases. Diabetes aside, if you want a beautiful skin, evening primrose oil is the answer.
Notice that some of the supplements above can help to stabilize blood sugar. If you want to rid yourself of diabetes and stop taking medications, there are natural remedies available that can help to regulate your blood sugar and insulin. For further information, you can read the book review How To Reverse Diabetes Now below. It should not be missed by people with diabetes if they wish to lead a normal and healthy life.
The agony of having diabetes is beyond comparison. This is especially so when you take into account the subsequent complications arising out of uncontrolled blood sugar. Its association with cardiovascular disease is related to increased risk of heart attack, stroke and lower limbs amputation. Heart attack and stroke are the major causes of premature death in people with diabetes.
That is why we must emphasize on prevention or when diabetes is present, to delay the complications. Alongside practicing healthy lifestyles, you should not be contented with diabetes by just taking medications as on the long run, medicines have a very negative effect on the body. The pharmaceutical companies are churning deadly lies on the benefits of diabetic medicines just to fill up their coffers. There are medical practitioners who can vouch for this.
You should go for diet control, exercise and supplements. There are many websites that claim to be able to treat diabetes without resorting to medications. In our desperation to combat the disease, we should not simply succumb to such claims.
However, the listed website below is offering a very good presentation on the treatment of diabetes. The good number of testimonials supporting the effectiveness of the treatment as explained by the author, Matt Traverso and the band of doctors who dared to speak up against conventional medicine speak volumes of the treatment. We do believe that the methods outlined can assist in combating diabetes. You should check out on the book How To Reverse Diabetes Now. We have to persevere and to try all means to eliminate diabetes permanently to ensure that we can relive a happy and healthy life.
A low carbohydrate diet cum avoidance of sugar can help to control the damaging effects of diabetes. However, there are many scientific studies pointing to the positive influence of supplements in combating diabetes and many vitamins have been found to assist in controlling the downward effects of diabetes.
A new study found the positive impact of Vitamin A 10,000 IU in helping to increase the metabolism of glucose . The vitamin allows the body to use insulin effectively in moving glucose from blood to the cells.
High blood glucose is known to cause tissue damage and the degree of this harm can be measured by the test for glycosylated haemoglobin. The use of pyridoxine has been found to reduce the cellular damage to the cells. The supplement has also been found to fight eye damage, vision loss as well as assisting in blood glucose metabolism. Better glucose control will definitely contribute to the protection of our vascular health.
People with diabetes are prone to blot clots due to high blood glucose content. Research on Vitamin E found that its use has an anti clotting action. Diabetic complications is greatly diminished by taking a daily supplement of Vitamin E. It also lowers insulin and this will go a long way to reduce the excessive insulin effect on the body.
The mineral zinc also stabilizes blood glucose. It helps the pancreas to produce insulin and also assist to protect the cell receptor sites that allow insulin to enter. This aside, there are natural remedies that you can use to regulate blood sugar.
Fish oil is good in diabetes because it protects the cardiovascular danger that triglycerides have on people with diabetes. Fish oil also increases the arterial flexibility to prevent plague buildup leading to the hardening of arteries.
Evening primrose oil which contains gamma linolenic acid ( GLA ) is a must in diabetes because it can halt the nerve damage caused by diabetes. GLA helps the nerve to heal. The problem is that people with diabetes cannot make GLA from dietary fats. Without GLA, they cannot manufacture prostaglandin E1 which is the body’s superstar for the protection against disorders including premature aging, heart disease, arthritis, asthma, and autoimmune diseases. Diabetes aside, if you want a beautiful skin, evening primrose oil is the answer.
Notice that some of the supplements above can help to stabilize blood sugar. If you want to rid yourself of diabetes and stop taking medications, there are natural remedies available that can help to regulate your blood sugar and insulin. For further information, you can read the book review How To Reverse Diabetes Now below. It should not be missed by people with diabetes if they wish to lead a normal and healthy life.
The agony of having diabetes is beyond comparison. This is especially so when you take into account the subsequent complications arising out of uncontrolled blood sugar. Its association with cardiovascular disease is related to increased risk of heart attack, stroke and lower limbs amputation. Heart attack and stroke are the major causes of premature death in people with diabetes.
That is why we must emphasize on prevention or when diabetes is present, to delay the complications. Alongside practicing healthy lifestyles, you should not be contented with diabetes by just taking medications as on the long run, medicines have a very negative effect on the body. The pharmaceutical companies are churning deadly lies on the benefits of diabetic medicines just to fill up their coffers. There are medical practitioners who can vouch for this.
You should go for diet control, exercise and supplements. There are many websites that claim to be able to treat diabetes without resorting to medications. In our desperation to combat the disease, we should not simply succumb to such claims.
However, the listed website below is offering a very good presentation on the treatment of diabetes. The good number of testimonials supporting the effectiveness of the treatment as explained by the author, Matt Traverso and the band of doctors who dared to speak up against conventional medicine speak volumes of the treatment. We do believe that the methods outlined can assist in combating diabetes. You should check out on the book How To Reverse Diabetes Now. We have to persevere and to try all means to eliminate diabetes permanently to ensure that we can relive a happy and healthy life.
Supplements for Acne Treatment
By Mohamad Ali
Acne is a very common skin eruption and I had a firsthand experience with it. It had created havoc for me in my childhood because then it had caused me to be very shy and reserved. I just refused to socialize because I seemed to be very different from the other kids. Even in my adulthood I occasionally experience eruptions of acne every now and then. Just imagine having skin eruption on the face every day and not knowing what to do.
The use of medication in clearing up acne has not been of much help. I have personally tried a few of them but they were of not much help though. Among the medicines used included Accutane which has its own side effects. Antibiotic use has been found to be good in some patients but failed miserably in others. Some patients have been recommended oral contraceptive pills to reduce the incidence of acne. Cosmetic improvement can be achieved by excision and punch-grafting of deep scars and by abrasion of inactive acne lesions but the technique has its own untoward effects including hyper pigmentation, hypo pigmentation and scarring.
There are, however, some natural remedies that were found to be very effective in combating acne and this included Acne Free In 3 Days that highlighted the natural, safe and effective way to reduce and subsequently eliminate for acne for good. I am very much for natural remedies for any medical conditions after having experienced and witnessed drugs episodes that left patients disheartened.
Taking supplements can help to rejuvenate your skin and help in the overall healing of acne. Daily doses of the following supplements would go a long way to combat acne totally. Patience is required though because it can take months before positive impacts on the skin become obvious.
1] A daily dose of a capsule containing a broad range of multivitamins and minerals.
2] Omega 3 capsule 1000 mg capsule daily to reduce skin inflammation
3] Vitamin C capsule 2000 mg daily to strengthen the cells and as an anti oxidant
4] Vitamin E capsule 400 IU daily to ensure proper blood circulation and as an anti oxidant
5] Folic Acid 15mg tablet daily for skin rejuvenation
6] Another source of supplement to improve the skin texture which every adult should take is the Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg capsule. To be taken daily , its content of gamma linolenic acid is superb in producing smooth and supple skin. With patient compliance to its intake, you will find improvement in 4 to 6 months. I have always explained to my friends that if only the general public knew about its remarkable effects, many cosmetic outlets will go out of business. I found out that many of my friends are getting refills of this wonderful supplement.
Acne Free In 3 Days should not be missed by anyone who wishes to combat acne .
Acne is a very common skin eruption and I had a firsthand experience with it. It had created havoc for me in my childhood because then it had caused me to be very shy and reserved. I just refused to socialize because I seemed to be very different from the other kids. Even in my adulthood I occasionally experience eruptions of acne every now and then. Just imagine having skin eruption on the face every day and not knowing what to do.
The use of medication in clearing up acne has not been of much help. I have personally tried a few of them but they were of not much help though. Among the medicines used included Accutane which has its own side effects. Antibiotic use has been found to be good in some patients but failed miserably in others. Some patients have been recommended oral contraceptive pills to reduce the incidence of acne. Cosmetic improvement can be achieved by excision and punch-grafting of deep scars and by abrasion of inactive acne lesions but the technique has its own untoward effects including hyper pigmentation, hypo pigmentation and scarring.
There are, however, some natural remedies that were found to be very effective in combating acne and this included Acne Free In 3 Days that highlighted the natural, safe and effective way to reduce and subsequently eliminate for acne for good. I am very much for natural remedies for any medical conditions after having experienced and witnessed drugs episodes that left patients disheartened.
Taking supplements can help to rejuvenate your skin and help in the overall healing of acne. Daily doses of the following supplements would go a long way to combat acne totally. Patience is required though because it can take months before positive impacts on the skin become obvious.
1] A daily dose of a capsule containing a broad range of multivitamins and minerals.
2] Omega 3 capsule 1000 mg capsule daily to reduce skin inflammation
3] Vitamin C capsule 2000 mg daily to strengthen the cells and as an anti oxidant
4] Vitamin E capsule 400 IU daily to ensure proper blood circulation and as an anti oxidant
5] Folic Acid 15mg tablet daily for skin rejuvenation
6] Another source of supplement to improve the skin texture which every adult should take is the Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg capsule. To be taken daily , its content of gamma linolenic acid is superb in producing smooth and supple skin. With patient compliance to its intake, you will find improvement in 4 to 6 months. I have always explained to my friends that if only the general public knew about its remarkable effects, many cosmetic outlets will go out of business. I found out that many of my friends are getting refills of this wonderful supplement.
Acne Free In 3 Days should not be missed by anyone who wishes to combat acne .
Four Steps on How to Reduce and Eliminate Acne
By Mohamad Ali
Before we start discussing the cause, treatment and elimination of acne, let me remind all affected readers: do not prick, pierce or squeeze your acne at any time. Let’s face it. Just be what you are. Let your face be as it is. Do not feel embarrassed or shy when facing the public because everyone understands and sympathizes with your predicament. When you squeeze inflamed acne, you are not giving the inner skin layer a chance to rejuvenate. No doubt you remove the pus but you will also leave scars permanently especially with poor skin turnover.
Acne is a very common skin eruption which is characterized by comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and pus-filled pustules. Severe acne can cause the emergence of deep cysts, redness, swelling, extreme damage to the skin, and scarring. Normally it starts at puberty and if left unattended will lead to a serious problem right through adolescence. Though usually appeared on the face, acne can also erupt on the back, chest and the shoulders.
Acne occurs when hair follicles become blocked with oil and dead skin cells. As we know, at the base of the hair follicle, there are sebaceous glands that secrete the oily substance called sebum. Sebum has a purpose in that it lubricates your hair and skin but as always when you have an excess of anything, problems will crop up. In this case, the sebum travels up the hair shaft and team up with dead skin cells to form a soft plug. This will lead to the formation of a whitehead, blackhead or the inflamed or infected pimples. The increased sebum production can be due to many factors including hormones, bacteria, and medications.
The treatment of acne involves four areas of concerns: speeding up skin cell turnover, stopping bacterial infection, reducing the inflammation and reducing the oil production. If you can tackle these areas, then elimination of acne is easy.
1] Ensure that you wash your face gently twice a day with a mild face wash with a pH of 5.5 which will stabilize the skin’s condition thus promoting its barrier function and resistance to harmful effects of the environment. Washing will reduce the surface oil, and maintaining the face in a dry condition will reduce infection.
2] You must also ensure that you have enough sleep because skin cells are nourished and rejuvenated during sleep.
3] For bacterial infection, depending upon the severity of acne, topical or systemic antibiotics may be initially prescribed by your physician but this should not be unnecessarily prolonged because this has a bad effect on the friendly bacterial flora essential for our health.
4] Probably the most effective anti acne product is benzoyl peroxide as it kills the bacteria P. acnes, also helps in removing excess oils from the skin, and removes dead skin cells. Try using a lower strength of the preparation as it can cause excessive dryness, redness and minor swelling.
Contrary to popular beliefs, foods do not cause or exacerbate acne. However, I prefer moderation in your food intake and where possible reduce or avoid all forms of sugar.
The skin needs nourishment in order to carry out its various functions. In this context, supplements have been found to exert a positive contribution for skin health. I hope that you will find the above pointers useful. You can learn more about how to eliminate acne and maintain good skin health at Acne Free In 3 Days
Before we start discussing the cause, treatment and elimination of acne, let me remind all affected readers: do not prick, pierce or squeeze your acne at any time. Let’s face it. Just be what you are. Let your face be as it is. Do not feel embarrassed or shy when facing the public because everyone understands and sympathizes with your predicament. When you squeeze inflamed acne, you are not giving the inner skin layer a chance to rejuvenate. No doubt you remove the pus but you will also leave scars permanently especially with poor skin turnover.
Acne is a very common skin eruption which is characterized by comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and pus-filled pustules. Severe acne can cause the emergence of deep cysts, redness, swelling, extreme damage to the skin, and scarring. Normally it starts at puberty and if left unattended will lead to a serious problem right through adolescence. Though usually appeared on the face, acne can also erupt on the back, chest and the shoulders.
Acne occurs when hair follicles become blocked with oil and dead skin cells. As we know, at the base of the hair follicle, there are sebaceous glands that secrete the oily substance called sebum. Sebum has a purpose in that it lubricates your hair and skin but as always when you have an excess of anything, problems will crop up. In this case, the sebum travels up the hair shaft and team up with dead skin cells to form a soft plug. This will lead to the formation of a whitehead, blackhead or the inflamed or infected pimples. The increased sebum production can be due to many factors including hormones, bacteria, and medications.
The treatment of acne involves four areas of concerns: speeding up skin cell turnover, stopping bacterial infection, reducing the inflammation and reducing the oil production. If you can tackle these areas, then elimination of acne is easy.
1] Ensure that you wash your face gently twice a day with a mild face wash with a pH of 5.5 which will stabilize the skin’s condition thus promoting its barrier function and resistance to harmful effects of the environment. Washing will reduce the surface oil, and maintaining the face in a dry condition will reduce infection.
2] You must also ensure that you have enough sleep because skin cells are nourished and rejuvenated during sleep.
3] For bacterial infection, depending upon the severity of acne, topical or systemic antibiotics may be initially prescribed by your physician but this should not be unnecessarily prolonged because this has a bad effect on the friendly bacterial flora essential for our health.
4] Probably the most effective anti acne product is benzoyl peroxide as it kills the bacteria P. acnes, also helps in removing excess oils from the skin, and removes dead skin cells. Try using a lower strength of the preparation as it can cause excessive dryness, redness and minor swelling.
Contrary to popular beliefs, foods do not cause or exacerbate acne. However, I prefer moderation in your food intake and where possible reduce or avoid all forms of sugar.
The skin needs nourishment in order to carry out its various functions. In this context, supplements have been found to exert a positive contribution for skin health. I hope that you will find the above pointers useful. You can learn more about how to eliminate acne and maintain good skin health at Acne Free In 3 Days
Dieting your way out of gout
By Mohamad Ali
There is no necessity for gloom at all for gout sufferers. Medication aside, there are some very effective alternative treatments and simple home remedies, diet and health food that have been proven to help in the relief of gout. These should be taken into consideration should you find your journey to gout relief at a dead end.
The number of people suffering from gout is alarming: especially men and surprisingly some young adults. When down with gout, all they asked were pain killers and colchicine to relief the pain. I took time to explain the side effects of these gout medications, and my insistence that they seek alternative pain relief. However, they still prefer the quick relief that pain killers bring. To them as long as there is medication for gout, they are happy. However, the saddest part is that sharp crystals of monosodium urates in prolonged gout may get deposited in the intestine and kidney tissues and may cause disease and death. I still advocate the alternative treatment to conventional medicines.
I had a personal experience with gout eight years ago. The unbearable pain was beyond imagination. The laboratory test turned out to be very discouraging with the uric acid reading way beyond the maximum of 7.2mg/dl. Fed up with the lab figure and disappointed that the medications were not having a positive impact on my life, I started to do some research on the alternative treatments because I am always confident that there is always a way out in solving whatever health problems that one faces. There is an article on the natural remedies that may be of help in combating gout attack. It is called The Gout Remedy Report.
On the premise that there should be moderation in everything we do – eat slowly and in moderation, drive slowly, and plan properly before you take the leap – I started to review my lifestyle. I focused on my weight, check on what and how I eat and ensure that I drink plenty of water along the way. Increased weight is associated with raised uric acid level. To slim down, I followed the principle of a low carbohydrate diet, eliminating totally any form of sugar as outlined in my article How to lose weight . Once you are down to your ideal weight, you will find that the majority of body complaints suddenly disappear.
Another way to overhaul your body system is to fast. When you fast for a few days, you will find a complete change in energy. No longer will you be lethargic or tired. However the first three days of fasting can be very challenging because the body has to dig into its reserves of fat to burn as fuel especially when you now reduced or eliminate carbohydrates which are the main supplier of glucose for body metabolism. If you do an alkaline fasting whereby you refrain from taking citrus based products, the alkaline environment will help to keep uric acid in solution and when you drink plenty of water, this helps remove uric acid from the body.
Eat meat in moderation or practice total restraint, if possible. However, avoid organ meats. Organ meats and alcohol are the worst culprits. Foods that are considered high in purines include anchovies, mussels, herring, mackerel, scallops, asparagus and mushrooms. Meat contains purines which gets oxidized and triggers the uric acid rise. Alcohol prevents uric acid excretion by the kidneys thereby causing it to remain in the body.
Avoid a high fat diet as it increases the uric acid level. Even if you manage to reduce fat in your diet, you must not ignore the principle of sugar avoidance at all cost. Sugar is acidic and it will become bad fat if it is consumed excessively. In the body cells, sugar is broken down into small molecules and then is reassembled as fats called triglycerides. Lowering your consumption of carbohydrates especially the refined carbohydrates will see the disappearance of not only gouty pain but also other ailments. Refined carbohydrate gets converted into sugar very fast.
Make sure you try to eliminate stress in your daily life as this can cause an excess production of uric acid. Similarly, when you have enzyme deficiency, the uric acid level will also rise.
If you want to use the above natural home remedy for relieving gout attack, you can get hold of The Gout Remedy Report. It gives you comprehensive gout information, including the preventions and alternative treatments for gout. This should assist you to combat gout attack for the last time.
There is no necessity for gloom at all for gout sufferers. Medication aside, there are some very effective alternative treatments and simple home remedies, diet and health food that have been proven to help in the relief of gout. These should be taken into consideration should you find your journey to gout relief at a dead end.
The number of people suffering from gout is alarming: especially men and surprisingly some young adults. When down with gout, all they asked were pain killers and colchicine to relief the pain. I took time to explain the side effects of these gout medications, and my insistence that they seek alternative pain relief. However, they still prefer the quick relief that pain killers bring. To them as long as there is medication for gout, they are happy. However, the saddest part is that sharp crystals of monosodium urates in prolonged gout may get deposited in the intestine and kidney tissues and may cause disease and death. I still advocate the alternative treatment to conventional medicines.
I had a personal experience with gout eight years ago. The unbearable pain was beyond imagination. The laboratory test turned out to be very discouraging with the uric acid reading way beyond the maximum of 7.2mg/dl. Fed up with the lab figure and disappointed that the medications were not having a positive impact on my life, I started to do some research on the alternative treatments because I am always confident that there is always a way out in solving whatever health problems that one faces. There is an article on the natural remedies that may be of help in combating gout attack. It is called The Gout Remedy Report.
On the premise that there should be moderation in everything we do – eat slowly and in moderation, drive slowly, and plan properly before you take the leap – I started to review my lifestyle. I focused on my weight, check on what and how I eat and ensure that I drink plenty of water along the way. Increased weight is associated with raised uric acid level. To slim down, I followed the principle of a low carbohydrate diet, eliminating totally any form of sugar as outlined in my article How to lose weight . Once you are down to your ideal weight, you will find that the majority of body complaints suddenly disappear.
Another way to overhaul your body system is to fast. When you fast for a few days, you will find a complete change in energy. No longer will you be lethargic or tired. However the first three days of fasting can be very challenging because the body has to dig into its reserves of fat to burn as fuel especially when you now reduced or eliminate carbohydrates which are the main supplier of glucose for body metabolism. If you do an alkaline fasting whereby you refrain from taking citrus based products, the alkaline environment will help to keep uric acid in solution and when you drink plenty of water, this helps remove uric acid from the body.
Eat meat in moderation or practice total restraint, if possible. However, avoid organ meats. Organ meats and alcohol are the worst culprits. Foods that are considered high in purines include anchovies, mussels, herring, mackerel, scallops, asparagus and mushrooms. Meat contains purines which gets oxidized and triggers the uric acid rise. Alcohol prevents uric acid excretion by the kidneys thereby causing it to remain in the body.
Avoid a high fat diet as it increases the uric acid level. Even if you manage to reduce fat in your diet, you must not ignore the principle of sugar avoidance at all cost. Sugar is acidic and it will become bad fat if it is consumed excessively. In the body cells, sugar is broken down into small molecules and then is reassembled as fats called triglycerides. Lowering your consumption of carbohydrates especially the refined carbohydrates will see the disappearance of not only gouty pain but also other ailments. Refined carbohydrate gets converted into sugar very fast.
Make sure you try to eliminate stress in your daily life as this can cause an excess production of uric acid. Similarly, when you have enzyme deficiency, the uric acid level will also rise.
If you want to use the above natural home remedy for relieving gout attack, you can get hold of The Gout Remedy Report. It gives you comprehensive gout information, including the preventions and alternative treatments for gout. This should assist you to combat gout attack for the last time.
Causes and Symptoms of Diabetes
By Mohamad Ali
Diabetes is a very common metabolic disorder which can be divided into two types:
Type-1 diabetes is a condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. As a result, a patient needs injections of insulin to reduce and regulate the blood glucose.
Type-2 diabetes is a metabolic state whereby the pancreas still produces insulin to control blood glucose . However, the insulin produced is insufficient to stabilize blood glucose or the body has developed resistance to insulin. The focus is mostly on the type-2 diabetes as this form is the most prevalent type that is increasing to epidemic proportions.
Under normal condition, when food is consumed, the pancreas will release insulin into the blood. Insulin acts by allowing the uptake of blood glucose into the cells. As such the blood glucose level will drop. However, if you delay eating your next meal, the liver will release the stored glucose into the blood to maintain the ideal blood glucose level. The glucose, as the main form of energy, comes from either your food or from the liver which serves as a storage and production centre. When this system goes out of equilibrium, diabetes sets in.
Diabetes is sometimes discovered very late in an individual. This may be due to indifference and ignorance, or due to poor health screening. However, the symptoms of diabetes are often very obvious. With the increase in health awareness in the population, the disease state can be detected earlier in a person.
Symptoms of diabetes include the following observations:
Frequency of urinating is more than usual and you are always very thirsty and hungry.
Tiredness is obvious and the person tends to lose weight very easily without much effort.
Blurred vision is another symptom of diabetes. This is because fluid is being drawn out from the eye tissues and lenses.
Infections occur easily and recovery is normally slow depending on the stage of diabetes.
Draining out of fluid from the cells causes dry and itchy skin. There is also a tingling sensation in the hands or feet.
If you observe any of the above symptoms, arrange to see a physician immediately for further investigations. With early detection and treatment of diabetes, diabetic patients should be able to live a healthy and normal life.
The diabetic body is constantly being bombarded with medications and stress. As such, it definitely requires the much needed nourishment in order to carry out its various functions. In this context, supplements have been found to exert a positive contribution in diabetes.
You can learn more about how to maintain a healthy and normal life with diabetes by reviewing the book How To Reverse Diabetes Now below. It should not be missed by people with diabetes if they wish to lead a normal and healthy life.
The agony of having diabetes is beyond comparison. This is especially so when you take into account the subsequent complications arising out of uncontrolled blood sugar. Its association with cardiovascular disease is related to increased risk of heart attack, stroke and lower limbs amputation. Heart attack and stroke are the major causes of premature death in people with diabetes.
That is why we must emphasize on prevention or when diabetes is present, to delay the complications. Alongside practicing healthy lifestyles, you should not be contented with diabetes by just taking medications as on the long run, medicines have a very negative effect on the body. The pharmaceutical companies are churning deadly lies on the benefits of diabetic medicines just to fill up their coffers. There are medical practitioners who can vouch for this.
You should go for diet control, exercise and supplements. There are many websites that claim to be able to treat diabetes without resorting to medications. In our desperation to combat the disease, we should not simply succumb to such claims.
However, the listed website below is offering a very good presentation on the treatment of diabetes. The good number of testimonials supporting the effectiveness of the treatment as explained by the author, Matt Traverso and the band of doctors who dared to speak up against conventional medicine speak volumes of the treatment. We do believe that the methods outlined can assist in combating diabetes. You should check out on the book How To Reverse Diabetes Now. We have to persevere and to try all means to eliminate diabetes permanently to ensure that we can relive a happy and healthy life.
Diabetes is a very common metabolic disorder which can be divided into two types:
Type-1 diabetes is a condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. As a result, a patient needs injections of insulin to reduce and regulate the blood glucose.
Type-2 diabetes is a metabolic state whereby the pancreas still produces insulin to control blood glucose . However, the insulin produced is insufficient to stabilize blood glucose or the body has developed resistance to insulin. The focus is mostly on the type-2 diabetes as this form is the most prevalent type that is increasing to epidemic proportions.
Under normal condition, when food is consumed, the pancreas will release insulin into the blood. Insulin acts by allowing the uptake of blood glucose into the cells. As such the blood glucose level will drop. However, if you delay eating your next meal, the liver will release the stored glucose into the blood to maintain the ideal blood glucose level. The glucose, as the main form of energy, comes from either your food or from the liver which serves as a storage and production centre. When this system goes out of equilibrium, diabetes sets in.
Diabetes is sometimes discovered very late in an individual. This may be due to indifference and ignorance, or due to poor health screening. However, the symptoms of diabetes are often very obvious. With the increase in health awareness in the population, the disease state can be detected earlier in a person.
Symptoms of diabetes include the following observations:
Frequency of urinating is more than usual and you are always very thirsty and hungry.
Tiredness is obvious and the person tends to lose weight very easily without much effort.
Blurred vision is another symptom of diabetes. This is because fluid is being drawn out from the eye tissues and lenses.
Infections occur easily and recovery is normally slow depending on the stage of diabetes.
Draining out of fluid from the cells causes dry and itchy skin. There is also a tingling sensation in the hands or feet.
If you observe any of the above symptoms, arrange to see a physician immediately for further investigations. With early detection and treatment of diabetes, diabetic patients should be able to live a healthy and normal life.
The diabetic body is constantly being bombarded with medications and stress. As such, it definitely requires the much needed nourishment in order to carry out its various functions. In this context, supplements have been found to exert a positive contribution in diabetes.
You can learn more about how to maintain a healthy and normal life with diabetes by reviewing the book How To Reverse Diabetes Now below. It should not be missed by people with diabetes if they wish to lead a normal and healthy life.
The agony of having diabetes is beyond comparison. This is especially so when you take into account the subsequent complications arising out of uncontrolled blood sugar. Its association with cardiovascular disease is related to increased risk of heart attack, stroke and lower limbs amputation. Heart attack and stroke are the major causes of premature death in people with diabetes.
That is why we must emphasize on prevention or when diabetes is present, to delay the complications. Alongside practicing healthy lifestyles, you should not be contented with diabetes by just taking medications as on the long run, medicines have a very negative effect on the body. The pharmaceutical companies are churning deadly lies on the benefits of diabetic medicines just to fill up their coffers. There are medical practitioners who can vouch for this.
You should go for diet control, exercise and supplements. There are many websites that claim to be able to treat diabetes without resorting to medications. In our desperation to combat the disease, we should not simply succumb to such claims.
However, the listed website below is offering a very good presentation on the treatment of diabetes. The good number of testimonials supporting the effectiveness of the treatment as explained by the author, Matt Traverso and the band of doctors who dared to speak up against conventional medicine speak volumes of the treatment. We do believe that the methods outlined can assist in combating diabetes. You should check out on the book How To Reverse Diabetes Now. We have to persevere and to try all means to eliminate diabetes permanently to ensure that we can relive a happy and healthy life.
How to lose weight
By Mohamad Ali
The difficulty in losing weight has always been a problem to most people. In order to lighten this effort, I have come out with a simple way of losing weight witout putting that much effort; and also without having to worry about counting the number of calories to lessen. It involves only three things that matter most: diet, exercise, and supplements
Before you embark on the program, it is best to firstly check your body mass index (BMI) which is derived from the formula: weight (kg) / (height in meters)² . An acceptable range will be between 18.5 and 25. From 25-30 -pre obese while above 30 will be classified as obese. From experience, it can be said that one would feel restless when the BMI reaches 25. Your extra weight would put a great pressure not only on the hipjoints and the knees but also on the lungs as the added belly would push up the diaphragm, thus limiting the scope of lung expansion during breathing. Along with these setbacks come the various ailments including breathlessness, joint and knee pain. Not to forget the emotional stress, irritability and depressed mood.
Once you have decided to start reducing weight ( those with ailments must first consult a physician before embarking on the program ).
It is the quality of the diet that counts. The food that we eat is basically divided to three types: carbohydrate, fat and protein. In dieting, do not worry about the fat and protein. Just focus on the carbohydrate and make sure that you eat only a small quantity daily. In fact we can go without carbohydrate the whole day and yet experience a surge in the level of energy. So where possible, do not touch those food made from starch! Lessen the grainsand throw out the sugar completely. Sugar is the main culprit in healthy living. Talking about sugar, see that none is hidden in the drinks. So with moderation in fat and protein but a stringent scrutiny of carbohydrate, we can tackle the food portion in weight reduction.
There are many, many times when people tell me that they have no time to exercise. If you are willing to find time, you can get more that enough exercise. Three good exercises for keeping trim and fit are cycling, swimming and aerobic exercise. The latter two forms involve graceful body movements while the former has been found to strengthen the heart in a remarkable way. If time does not permit, take the stairs and avoid the escalators and lift, park a kilometer or two away from you office and walk. Bring out the baby in a pushtrolley and walk in the park. Try brisk walking for 30 minutes , three times a week. Most importantly, do enjoy yourself.
I always emphasize the importance of daily supplements intake. Our body is daily exposed to many kind of pollutants in the environment. Internally, the wear and tear of the body take place everyday. One cannot depend on food alone to supply the various nutrients that the body requires.
In this respect, I recommend the daily intake of the following basic supplements:
a) a multivitamin and mineral tablet/capsule
b) an omega-3 capsule 1000 mg
c) a capsule of evening primrose oil 1000mg
The result of this daily intake cannot be seen immediately but down the road ten months later, the impact will be greatly felt. Some people felt the difference within a month. The principle is that we first start off with a multivitamin/mineral capsule. When we find that we are lacking in a specific vitamin or mineral, then we add this on to the regime. Sometimes a person can take a daily dose of up to seven or 8 tablet daily. No worries at all as these are not chemicals. Supplements when taken as recommended are beneficial to us.
In conclusion, just remember this phrase: Carbohydrate Less, Avoid Sugar, ....Slim ( CLASS ). You will definitely feel confident and in a CLASS of your own. Good Luck!
The difficulty in losing weight has always been a problem to most people. In order to lighten this effort, I have come out with a simple way of losing weight witout putting that much effort; and also without having to worry about counting the number of calories to lessen. It involves only three things that matter most: diet, exercise, and supplements
Before you embark on the program, it is best to firstly check your body mass index (BMI) which is derived from the formula: weight (kg) / (height in meters)² . An acceptable range will be between 18.5 and 25. From 25-30 -pre obese while above 30 will be classified as obese. From experience, it can be said that one would feel restless when the BMI reaches 25. Your extra weight would put a great pressure not only on the hipjoints and the knees but also on the lungs as the added belly would push up the diaphragm, thus limiting the scope of lung expansion during breathing. Along with these setbacks come the various ailments including breathlessness, joint and knee pain. Not to forget the emotional stress, irritability and depressed mood.
Once you have decided to start reducing weight ( those with ailments must first consult a physician before embarking on the program ).
It is the quality of the diet that counts. The food that we eat is basically divided to three types: carbohydrate, fat and protein. In dieting, do not worry about the fat and protein. Just focus on the carbohydrate and make sure that you eat only a small quantity daily. In fact we can go without carbohydrate the whole day and yet experience a surge in the level of energy. So where possible, do not touch those food made from starch! Lessen the grainsand throw out the sugar completely. Sugar is the main culprit in healthy living. Talking about sugar, see that none is hidden in the drinks. So with moderation in fat and protein but a stringent scrutiny of carbohydrate, we can tackle the food portion in weight reduction.
There are many, many times when people tell me that they have no time to exercise. If you are willing to find time, you can get more that enough exercise. Three good exercises for keeping trim and fit are cycling, swimming and aerobic exercise. The latter two forms involve graceful body movements while the former has been found to strengthen the heart in a remarkable way. If time does not permit, take the stairs and avoid the escalators and lift, park a kilometer or two away from you office and walk. Bring out the baby in a pushtrolley and walk in the park. Try brisk walking for 30 minutes , three times a week. Most importantly, do enjoy yourself.
I always emphasize the importance of daily supplements intake. Our body is daily exposed to many kind of pollutants in the environment. Internally, the wear and tear of the body take place everyday. One cannot depend on food alone to supply the various nutrients that the body requires.
In this respect, I recommend the daily intake of the following basic supplements:
a) a multivitamin and mineral tablet/capsule
b) an omega-3 capsule 1000 mg
c) a capsule of evening primrose oil 1000mg
The result of this daily intake cannot be seen immediately but down the road ten months later, the impact will be greatly felt. Some people felt the difference within a month. The principle is that we first start off with a multivitamin/mineral capsule. When we find that we are lacking in a specific vitamin or mineral, then we add this on to the regime. Sometimes a person can take a daily dose of up to seven or 8 tablet daily. No worries at all as these are not chemicals. Supplements when taken as recommended are beneficial to us.
In conclusion, just remember this phrase: Carbohydrate Less, Avoid Sugar, ....Slim ( CLASS ). You will definitely feel confident and in a CLASS of your own. Good Luck!
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